Title IX

                                                TITLE IX

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex/gender based discrimination, including sexual harassment.  As required by law, Philadelphia E&T has has a Title IX Coordinator to ensure that alleged Title IX violations are handled properly.

 Title IX Coordinator:      Mr. Christopher Clayton
                                         Head of Student Services
                                         [email protected]
                                         267-514-1823 Extension 302

Deputy Title IX Coordinators:

Ms. Lisa Wray                                               
Business Assistant
[email protected]
267-514-1823 Extension 240
Mr. George Fiocca
Head of Development
[email protected]
267-514-1823 Extension 314

Some examples of Title IX violations include: harassment or discrimination based on sex/gender identity/gender expression, pregnancy/parenting status, bullying/harassment (comments, threats, gestures, rumors of a sexual nature, sharing/showing images, videos of a sexual nature, non-consensual acts, sex based inequity in athletics, etc.

Below is a document container listing school policies, procedures, professional training for Title IX team members and action steps that guide the process related to any discrimination based on sex/gender based discrimination including sexual harassment. (*Please note: there are two pages of documents in the container)

Reporting Steps for Studen
ts: If a student has been subject to conduct by any student, employee or third party that constitutes a violation of the District’s anti-harassment or nondiscrimination policy(s), the student or their parent/guardian, is encouraged to immediately report the incident in any of the following ways:

1. Contact the Title IX Coordinator
2. Submit a report via Safe 2 Say
3. Report the incident to any other member of the school staff, including teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators.

Reporting Steps for Employees: An employee or third party who believes they have been subject to conduct by any employee or third party that constitutes a violation of Philadelphia E&T’s anti-harassment or nondiscrimination policy(s) is encouraged to immediately report the incident in any of the following ways:

1. Report the incident to the COO, Mr. Matthew Pooler or CEO, Ms. Erin Dougherty
2. Contact the Title IX Coordinator, Mr. Christopher Clayton

Mandatory Reporting: Any employee who witnesses, suspects or is notified that a student has been subject to conduct that constitutes a Title IX violation shall immediately report the incident to the CEO, Title IX Coordinator and to Child Line, as required by mandated reporter laws.